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San Diego Music Awards

Howdy! We are honored and humbled our album Mudflap has been nominated for Best Country Americana Album for the 32nd annual San Diego Music Awards.

The winner of this category is decided 50% by the Awards Academy voting members, the other 50% by public vote. Public voting us now open and allows one vote per email per day until closing on March 25th. We’d truly appreciate your support by voting for us!

Link to vote: San Diego Music Awards

#musicawards #sdma #sdma2023 #sdmas #sdmas2023 #andthenomineesare #sandiegomusic #sandiego #sandiegomusicawards #sandiegomusicawards2023 #mudflap


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We usually play sooner or later and right on time. We like the Roxy in Encinitas sometimes.


Rand went to same school as this dude


But then he ended jamming with this famous dude from deliverance


see the resemblance?

This is a silhouette of George from his pole dancing days. They don’t call him pole position for nothing…..

pole dance

George grew up in this here truck